Make-up a odvolanie blog pondelok anketa, zv. 495

Well, hey there there, shower room selfie!

Takže … Čo je to pondelok?

No, to nie je presne anketa. Je to oveľa viac z pravidelného vyvíjania (devolving?), Trochu náhodný zoznam otázok, ktoré som odvádzal do čitateľov každý pondelok ráno za posledných 10 (!) Rokov. (Je to ako Kickstart pre váš mozog.) Vždy som si vzal potešenie pri čítaní vašich odpovedí v komentároch a dúfam, že budete mať radosť v čítaní bane.

Just waking up this morning… I was still in bed when El Hub whispered to me on his way to work about the shooting in Las Vegas. We stayed in that same hotel a few years ago for Photoshop World… I remember tubing down the hotel’s lazy river.

I have no words for the sadness and what it need to have been like for the people who were there last night. Žiadne slová. Je mi to tak ľúto.


I wrote today’s Monday Poll last night… I don’t think I would have felt up for it had I tried to write it this morning, and if you don’t feel like answering the questions and would rather talk about something else, I understand.

1. Which ’90s incredibly model are you? — Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell, Claudia Schiffer, Kate Moss, Linda Evangelista, Stephanie Seymore, Christy Turlington or Tyra Banks?

I deeply, deeply want to be Naomi Campbell because she’s a phone-throwing diva and nobody messes with her…but I’m probably closer to Christy Turlington? I dunno… She always seemed like she was pretty normal, or as normal as you can be while being preternaturally stunning and famous.

2. Doughnuts or doughnut holes?

Dievča. forget the doughnut holes. I don’t want any of that nonsense. Gimme a doughnut, please. The doughnut holes are just a lot more effort. You gotta keep picking them up, putting them in your mouth… With the regular doughnut, on the other hand, you get all that fried goodness in a single handful. To me, that is very appealing.


Mačky a make-up mikiny?

42 dolárov

Nakupuj teraz

3. Where do you normally get your nails done?

Casa de Karen!

Once or twice a year I’ll go to a nail shop called NJ Nails in the shopping center by my house, but the only services I’ve gotten there are basic manicures and pedicures, so I don’t know what it’s like to get gels or acrylics there.

I’ve had good experiences the few times I’ve gone. The place is clean, they’re always busy, and they’re pretty affordable.

4. A appeal product you recently tried but wouldn’t recommend to a friend?

Oh, speaking nails! I gotten a bottle of this topcoat by OPI called Rapidry at Nordstrom Rack, and ugh — it was so not good. It was thick, goopy and took forever to dry, and then my nail polish chipped within a day!

I normally love OPI, but this particular top coat wasn’t my fave.

5. What was the last social event you attended?

For someone who doesn’t get out much these days, I’ve been to two social events over the last week. DVA. That’s a lot for me lately.

I went to a SoulCycle group spin class hosted by Sweat Cosmetics on Saturday and a mixer with a mom’s group here in town a few days before that.

Here are the questions to copy and paste

1. Which ’90s incredibly model are you? — Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell, Claudia Schiffer, Kate Moss, Linda Evangelista, Stephanie Seymore, Christy Turlington or Tyra Banks?
2. Doughnuts or doughnut holes?
3. Where do you normally get your nails done?
4. A appeal product you recently tried but wouldn’t recommend to a friend?
5. What was the last social event you attended?

Hello, Monday

Workout wear and workout makeup
Ahoj kamarát. I hope you had a great weekend. about that SoulCycle event on Saturday with Sweat Cosmetics (I’ve talked about them before. You can find them at Sephora now.), they do mineral makeup for gals who like to wear a little something-something when they work out. The brand was founded by a group of professional athletes, including a few Olympic soccer players…so I got to spin at SoulCycle with Olympians (!). It was kind of surreal, and not a bad way to spend a Saturday morning.

The event was at SoulCycle in Los Gatos, which is about 90 minutes south of Novato. After I got my sweat on, they handed out these sweet swag bags with their Illuminator, a pair of running socks from Lululemon (which I absolutely needed, yay!), and some yummy healthful snacks I immediately ate on my drive home.

The best thing was this juice from Juice Co LG, a shop ideal across the street from the studio.

A few goodies from the swag bag (I ate and drank some of the things already, whoops!)
Watermelon, lime, strawberries and chia seeds
I normally like to make smoothies and juices at home (more cost effective, and I can be picky about what goes into my drink), and it’s rare when I go out and get a juice, but this was such a great treat. It had watermelon, strawberries, lime, chia seeds… MMM! very good and refreshing.

Anyway, I had fun, and I learned some new things about some Sweat Cosmetics produCTS. Zdá sa, že tento transparentný voľný prášok majú široko-spektrum SPF 30, ktorý je dodávaný s rovnakým aplikátorom Twist kefa, že ich voľné práškové základy, bronzer a iluminátor, a môžete ľahko použiť na deti – ako počas športových podujatí, alebo akékoľvek Čas ste vonku na slnku – a lenivé ublížice (alebo manželky), ktorí sú normálne príliš leniví, aby sa na tekutých opaľovacích krmivách. Ale s kefou je to jednoduché.

Používam ich voľný prášok v 300 s mojím víkendovým make-upom. Keď spustím pochôdzky, som prach trochu na tvári, zvlnenie mojich rias, a aplikovať srsť Mac v extra dimenzii vodotesná maskara, vyplňte moje obočie s MAC Brow scryt ceruzkou, a Slick na nejaké pery balzam.


Každopádne skontrolujte, či ste ešte neurobili. Značka je relatívne nová, a sú tu v oblasti Bay, čo si myslím, že je úžasné.

Váš priateľský sektorový závislý,


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